creating | learning

About Me

Bill Hefty

My name is Bill Hefty and I'm a budding Front End Developer. I've had upwards of 5 years experience as an IT professional dealing in all aspects between desktop tech support to video network solutions. This portfolio page aims at keeping track of my progress as I continue my track on web development.


I aim to be constantly improving upon my skillset by employing best practices in my code. I always strive to create clean user-friendly designs to achieve optimal interfaces which are a joy to use. Keeping up to date with the latest development practices and technologies, I'm able to design modern webpages that scale to all devices.







Simon Says Game

The classic game revisioned for web! Try to get all the way to round 20 to win. Make it a challenge by enabling 'Strict' mode. Complete with sounds and flashing lights.

Simon Says

Calculator - Powered by JavaScript

A simple calculator built with the power of JavaScript and JQuery. One of the first web development projects I've ever done.


Pomodoro Timer

Tamayto, tamahto, pomodoro. Whatever you choose to call this timer, it's goal is to keep you on task while breaking your work sessions up with break periods.

Pomodoro Timer


Yet another classic game brought to the web. Play against an AI (just try to win...) or against a friend! One of my first apps with animations.


twitchTV Streams

Quick at-a-glance look that shows the current status of a handful of Twitch channels. Sort by online/offline and view what they are currently streaming.

TwitchTV Streams

Wikipedia Search

Search top hits from Wikipedia with this web-app. Alternatively, click the button for a random article!

Wikipedia Search

Weather App

This will get the current weather conditions for your location and display the temperature, condition outside, and a neat animation to go along with it all!

Weather App

Random Quotes

This app will allow you to refresh the content to show a new quote as well as give you the ability to tweet it out! One of my first API driven apps.

Random Quote Generator

Contact Me